Various Helicopter Taps
Here are some various ways to do helicopter taps:
- Helicopter tap off knee
- Helicopter tap off foot
- Helicopter tap behind back
- Helicopter tap off the inside of elbow
- Handstick flip while tapping - Give the devilstick a tap so it will
rotate at least one complete turn before the next tap. During this turn give
the handstick a half flip and go back into tapping.
- Above the head tap - Give the devilstick a tap so that it will go above
your head. Then look up at the devilstick and keep tapping it in this
- Above the head tap with a handstick flip - Well, all you need to do is
combine the previous two taps and you have it! I saw this trick done by
Steve Ragatz (I think it was him, I'll have to double check) on a tape of
the 1990 Eastern Illinois Festival's public show. It was Steve Ragatz and
I had a chance to see him do it live at our
juggling clubs convention
in March of 2000.
- Top tap, or double tap -
(submitted by Dave Johnston)
Get into a pattern of repeated helicopter taps on the same handstick. Now,
place your other handstick above the devil stick, rotated 90 degrees in the
horizontal to the tapping handstick. Both handsticks are parallel to the
ground, and viewed from above would form a cross.
You will notice that, as you're tapping the devil stick every 180
degrees, it has rotated 90 degrees at the top of each toss. It is in
the perfect position for a quick tap in the center with the top
handstick. It's really just a gentle little tap for show, but it looks
for all the world like your whacking the devil stick back and forth
between the two wands.
- Over the back tap - While doing a tap with the right handstick bring the
devilstick to your left side. Then bend over so that your upper body is
parallel to the ground. Then throw the DS over your back with the right
handstick and catch it on your right side, still bent over. Then you can
either straighten out and continue the curl/tapping, or you can do it again.
A kind of "Helicopter bend over hurdle trick." This can be done
continuously. Thanks to Audun Herning for this variation.
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