This trick is similar to a Propeller.
But the plane the devilstick spins in is perpendicular to your
body. Also you will use both handsticks to spin the devilstick.
A common starting position is to rest one side of the devilstick on a
handstick, and have the opposite end of the devilstick against your body.
With it perpendicular to your body you will want to give the devilstick
a hit with the right handstick underneath and below the center. The
devilstick will roll off the handstick, spinning in a forward direction.
Then place the left handstick under the devilstick where you will hit it
in the same position as you did the right one. Keep bringing the handsticks
around and under for the hits. The devilstick should just seem to roll over
the handsticks for each hit. The closer the handstick hits are to the center
of the devilstick, the slower the devilstick will spin.
Once you get the hang of doing the saw you can start it many different ways
(rather than stopping and leaning it against you). The easiest method is
to turn your body 90 degrees while idling and then let the devilstick
roll over the handstick that is closest to the "audience". While it is rolling
over the handstick turn back forward and start the saw. You can eventually
do this without actually having to turn your whole body (just turn your
upper body without moving your feet).
Be sure to practice forward and reverse saw spins. The forward
spinning saw is the direction the devilstick is spinning, which if it
was a wheel on the ground, would roll forward and away from yourself.
One variation of the saw that is good to learn (for some of the tricks
described below) is to do a saw with your knuckles down. Hold the
handsticks in the middle. You should have the same amount of handstick
sticking out on both sides. Then turn your hands so that the knuckles
are toward the ground, you use the back side
of the handstick. Now work on doing the saw forward and reverse in
this position.
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