Bi-colored Handsticks
Here is an easy way to create bi-colored handsticks from two different colored
solid handsticks. I orignially got this idea from
Greg Kennedy, who besides
being an amazing innovative juggler, is really good with devilsticks. We
spent quite a bit of time at the 1996 Rapid City IJA convention swapping
First thing you need is two different colored handsticks. It will most likely
be easiest with silicone rubber coated handsticks (I have not tried it with
other types). You can purchase these from vendors like
Serious Juggling or
Once you have those, you'll need to get a nice sharp razor blade of some
kind. Measure the length of the handsticks, mark the center, then slice
the rubber at the center of the stick all the way around (as image on
the right).
Once you have cut the handstick rubber, pull one end off each of the
handsticks (This may be easy or hard depending on how tight the rubber
is on the sticks, and how thick the handsticks are.). Then you'll need
to slide the colored rubber tube on the opposite colored handstick (as I have
started to do on the left). I found that it looks best if you put both
cut edges of the rubber together in the middle. I've noticed that after a few
years the different handstick halfs stick to each other and it's hard
to even tell that it's not one piece of rubber.
Once the handsticks are fully put together you have a new set of bi-colored
handsticks. With tricks where you are flipping the handsticks
(handstick flips,
hand toss, etc.)
it is much more obvious that something is going on with the handsticks.
Disclaimer: As I mentioned above, sometimes the silicone rubber is pretty
tight depending on the diameter of the wooden dowel rod. If it's hard to
get half of it off, it may be REALLY hard to get it back on. I think it
took me 20 minutes per handstick with my red/white set because the red
silicone was a bit smaller (and thus tighter) than the white. So try this
at your own risk.
Note: Found out that putting some baby powder (or similar powder) on the
dowell rod before sliding the silicone rubber on makes it much easier.
Thanks to Jim Mcormanmorman who tried it out and let me know that it worked.
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